Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone know if you are allowed now by law to smoke when walking down the street? i am unsure of the laws?

You may not smoke in ENCLOSED public places or workplaces - since the street is not enclosed you may smoke there. The no-smoking laws in Wales go a little further - some non-enclosed public spaces, such as platforms at a railway station are included in the ban there.
you can smoke on the street dont worry
well, i'm not really sure, but i think it depends on where you live...
Laws regarding where you can and can't smoke are mostly local, although a few states have enacted laws about smoking in certain, or all, enclosed places. Some municipalities have even made it illegal to smoke on your own property. In addition to the laws, there are also the rules set by owners of facilities used by the public, like stadiums, marinas, etc.

So essentially, whether you can smoke while walking down the street depends on where you are. In most places, it's still legal--but watch where you put the butt. They may get you for littering.

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