Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone know about foster pay?

I am getting money from state for care of my grandson from birth now he is able to get ssi and it will go back to when he was born. Will state take back the money they have paid out? He is 9 months.
SSI is a federal program while foster care is a state program. BUT the two could overlap. you could ask the social security office or the child services office that is giving you the foster pay and ask.
Possibly. I was on welfare while I was waiting for my disability to go through with SS. When I was approved,I had to pay back the money to welfare that they had given me while I was waiting. The reason for the pay back is because technically,you would be getting paid twice for the same period of time,once when you got the assistance check and again when you get the back pay. The state will more than likely want their money back.

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