Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think marijauna will be legalized sometime in the next few years?

legalizeee? no? maybe? ; )
I think so, not unless we have Republicans run congress for the rest of our lives. Which will never happen. Why should if be a crime, if alcohol is O.k?
I seriously doubt it. There are many other priorities and the last thing the dems need is to freak out the right with a radical move like that and give the GOP more ammo against them.

I have no problem with it myself, but we have a ways to go.
I hope not, I have seen the damage that long term use causes. Some say it is not as bad as Drinking, that may or may not be true, but the effects of Pot is well documented, and I have seen it first hand. Two wrongs do not make a right.

no the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries throw far to much money at our senators for them to ever let that happen. not only that the cotton industry as well, hemp used to be used to make clothing, that lasts far longer than cotton! too many other big industries would loose some of their profits, and we all know that can't happen!!
Uh, I don't know. I think the reason why it is still illegal and alcohol is not is because it is so much harder to monitor.

PLUS, marijuana is a "gateway" drug. Most people who habitually use it also use other, more dangerous ones. (which is not true with alcohol).

As well, it helps to arrest people dealing Marijuana, because they usually know the higher ups who deal harder drugs. There is no "in" for alcohol.

HELLO - I work for the Public Safety commission - I see all the reports on drug use in my state. Have you ever seen an accident report?

And where did you learn how to spell?

By the way, being "open" to everything is not a good thing. Just because you abuse the drug, and that makes you feel like you are free to do whatever you please, does not mean it should be legalized. In fact, your statement is the precise reason why SO many people are opposed.

And for your information, I am for the legalization... I am simply pointing out the facts.

A 7th grade health class might do you good...
ohh yes, marijauna isn't as bad as gvt makes it out to be. infact, in my opinion it's not even as bad as alchihol (legal). it makes me calm and open to everything. and where did this lady above me get her info, 7th grade health class?
I would say probably not. I have nothing against it, and don't do it anymore because using it for a long period made me feel like I was missing out on life (abuse I guess).

The government would have a hard time getting their hands on tax money since people will do their own. So, I guess they would rather make money by making people pay fines who are caught with it (unfair).

I think if anything you may see more states open up to using it for medical purposes only.

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