Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think that Adultry should be put back on the law books as a crime?

And should the other partner be allowed to sue the person his/her spouse is with for emotional damages?
Yes, you took vows to love each other until you "both shall live", that doesn't mean until I see someone I just can't resist. Adultry is a terrible act to commit against your partner and yes, I think that the injuryed party should be allowed to sue their partner for emotional damages because that is what they recieved for loving thier spouse. If you do the crime, you should pay the price.
not unless the law and religion are combined
Yes. Yes.
No and Yes

Putting adultry back on the law books would be putting us backwards by 200 years.
What are you? How can that act possibly be considered a crime? How would you justify a third party being the direct cause of damages? Your second question implies that spouses should be entitled to further monetary compensation besides the draconian alimony rulings over the years. And that is appalling. No where in the constitution does it state the "Right not to be Donw Wrong"
the courts are tied up enough with petty lawsuits as it is

you catch your spouse cheating?
you have 2 choices
1) divorce the spouse
2) or shut up and stay hoping you can ride their popularity coattails back to the White House
No, and no.
No and Yes - The police and criminal justice system already have enough to do without clogging it more with this kind of stuff.

However, if they want to wait in line at the civil courthouses for - alienation of affection - they can try, but it is a tough case to win.
Are prisons are not overcrowded enough with people busted for smoking pot. We need to start throwing adulter in jail too.

It will also have the added benifit that now that the cheating spouse is in jail instead of employed they won't be able to make child support payments resulting on more people being on public assistance.

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