Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone actually Know the no smoking Law.?

Two days into the ban and like everything from this knee jerk Government no one has any real details of WHAT trhe law actually is!
Let us say that in one of my baulchy moods I go into a cafe which is property signed up, but just a junior in charge. I take out my pipe, sit down and light it up. Quite rightly she would point out it is against the law. I tell her to Pxxs off. She has done everything she can, would she get fined?
Conversly a couple of guys in charge, same senario, if they put a hand on me I will sue for assault!
And finally,one of the "officials" come to give me a fixed penalty. Fine, my name is Mickey Mouse.
Should someone not tell what one would be expected to do in such circumstances?
no not realy, as usual they are long and drawn out, but i know this i can now and enjoy a pint without giong home smelling like an ashtray, i gave up 5 years ago, it has never bothered me about smoky pubs just that smell on your clothes in the morning, but i realy do think that some places should be for smokers, and some for non smokers, everyone would be happy then :-)
your right i dont think anyone knows the rules fully
ignore smoking laws because they refused to compromise and it is not right in a free country. bars should be smoking and non smoking that is called compromise.
ask the person who is smoking to leave if not they are trespassing just phone the police and they would sort it out.
i know the law as a resturant owner. i must advise you of the law...refuse to serve you if you smoke. call the health department %26 they will come up..apparently. if i feel threatened i am to call the police.

i am lucky as many of my male customers are very anti smoking..and they most certainly would deal with people like you...they would put your out of my shop..and you wouldnt find any witness to help you...not even me as i think you are being aggressive...its not me thats making the law after all.

fortunately, everybody has respected the new laws in my shop and its better air for us all to breathe!! i smoke - i just nip outside...its no big deal - dont know why you are having such an attitude about it actually?!!
Search, for smoke free England, it explains all the rules, and reg,s and laws, If you smoke in a no smoking area, both yourself and the proprioter.or who ever is in charge.gets fined, the person in charge, gets the largest fine.
A. She should call the police and have you forcibly evicted, charged and prosecuted.
B. They are entitled to use reasonable force to remove you.
C. Just try it and see what happens.
You, sir, are typical of the lawless element in this country today. You think that if you don't like a law, you can just disobey it. Remember that this law was passed by our elected Parliament with the agreement of all Parties, and breaking it is a criminal offence. Remember, too, that since the earlier introduction of the ban in Scotland 36000 people have given up smoking. Perhaps you should try, although as a fellow pipe-smoker I know it would be difficult.
why do non smokers always complain about after being out that their clothes smell of smoke the next day? wash them you tramps, everyone else does,
a) No, she wouldn't - she'd prob call the police or an enforcement officer. In any case the cafe would be in breach of Health %26 Safety regs having her there on her own.
b) They can remove you from their cafe by "reasonable" force - same way a bouncer in a nightclub can remove you if you're looking a bit too drunk or he suddenly realises you're wearing the wrong kind of shoes.
c) When and if they find out who you are, you'll not only get the smoking fine, but you could be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. This already happens routinely to those arrested by the police who give a fake name, even if it turns out they hadn't done anything.

A suspicious proportion of the people on here complaining about the smoking ban smoke pipes. I bet you've got a beard too.

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