Saturday, October 24, 2009

Doctor or Attorney ?

Which profession is more rewarding, more helping and just overall good, and which profession use a Laptop more ?
That depends. Both can be very rewarding. Helping an innocent man/woman go free after falsely accused or the other side of table, convicting a serial rapist so they can never hurt anyone ever again. Dr.'s helping people feel better or saving someone from dying of cancer. They're both wonderful professions but a lawyer would use a laptop way more. Most of a lawyer's work is done preparing motions and memorandums, which utilize computers.
Well, who do you want to build your house -- a good person or a good contractor?
Be a doctor, the market is not flooded like it is with attorneys, and you get paid alot better, and I believe it is still a very noble profession.

This is coming from an attorney.

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