Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone know if it legal to intterogate a suspect who is clearly under the influence of some kind of drug?

a friend of mines family member is now serving a 70 yr jail term based on an innterogation tape that was called a confession,,he was cleary under the influence and the lead detective in the case has been in the news several times for gettin false confessions and those cases have been overturned,,,anyone that can help please do...this man is locked up for life...based on an illegal interrogation email me at derekobrown@yahoo..thanks
Depends on whether or not your friend was read his Miranda rights. Also, I don't know what kind of crime he committed. 70 years is a pretty long sentence, so he must have killed someone. Then I'd say he deserves to serve every day of that 70 year sentence!
Anytime BUT if they what to use it in court you must be read miranda rights
you ask a question appropriate for a very knowledgable attorney who does a lot of criminal appellate business in the state in question.

it seems likely that you'll not receive any useful answers until you consult such an attorney, so go find her/him.


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