Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does any1 no wat to do next if you cant get to an interveiw,because of---?

Illness (Depression).But you are being told that if you dont appear for the job interveiw with the social security you will lose your benefit entitlements.How can a depressed person that rarly ventures out at all,possibly sit through a 40 min interveiw in a packed public office?But after explaining this to social sec they say it makes no difference you still lose all entitlements.How are you supposed to survive on nothing.After asking for other alternative ways to have the interveiw,ie..over the phone or arrange a visit to your home, they still say no you lose.HELP PLEASE. Does any1 no any other alt or can you tell me what to do next so that i dont lose my income.
Make an appointment with your GP and explain the situation to him. He may be able to write to the social and explain, and if it's offical, they will have to respond accordingly. Good luck.
where i come from they will visit your home if necessary.but if you can't go out for an interview then i'ts obviously you're too ill to cope in a job so you should surely be on a sickness benefit that deems you unfit for work? i'm not sure what advice to give, i'm really sorry for your trouble
If you are suffering from depression why hasnt your doctor given you a long term sick note. You can then claim income support based incapacity benefit and you dont need to go to work or sit through any 40 min interview. Sometimes getting a job or even going to college can lift your spirits up and give you something to look forward to instead of sitting in your home being a prisoner. I know its hard ive been there, but the only person that can help you get over your depression is yourself.
This one you are not going to win, sorry!!
I can only answer the Social Security situation. If you work while you are on Disability from SS, you will not automatically lose your benefits. You are entitled to earn up to a certain amount without losing your benefits. If you decide to work full time, you are entitled to receive Social Security for 3 months as a trial work period.

If you are struggling with this, I would encourage you to contact an Independent Living Center in your area. Every state offers services and programs to people with disabilities who want to be independent.

Every ILC offers "Information %26 Referral" and they can help you clear up any misunderstanding and point you in the right direction on employment and Social Security issues that you are facing. They can also point you in the right direction if you feel you are being discriminated based on your disability.

Please feel free to contact me with the state you live in and I'll let you know which ILC to contact in your area.
How awfull for you.I think roxy has the answer.
The benefits system is completely wrong. Before I joined the Marines I couldnt get a job, not even stacking shelves.
So I walked into a job centre to ask an expert what I was doing wrong, they said we cant help you because you are not on benefits. All I wanted was a quick 10 minute chat and to make an appointment, but no, unless I am taking money for no reason then I dont get help.
Your situation beggars belief. The interview could easily be done over the phone. They are robots who dont care about anything or anyone.
Go to citizens advice bureau website and see what you can do.
I don't understand. If you are on sick you should be on incapacity. Now if you have had a medical and this has gone against you, yes you would be forced to return to work.Why would the interview be in a packed office this should be within a closed room with the interviewers...An employer wants someone that is able to participate in the work place so they would not come to your home might do a phone interview but it seems to me you just don't want to be there..I am not saying this is intentional but don't you think you need to get to the bottom of this and to why you re so depressed.See a councillor through your DR and go to Citizens advice they can advice around your benefits issue..

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