Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think we should have a National Concealed Carry Permit and remove it from State and Local authorities.?

Although I can agree with what you say, I think that all states should become "shall issue", and that the permits should be accepted everywhere, like a drivers license.
No. What we need to do is get enough federal judges appointed that are pro constitution to balance out all of the liberal activist Clinton, et al appointees. Then we make sure the unconstitutional state laws are rigorously challenged.
No, I think we need fewer federal laws and less intervention in our lives from the federal government.
As long as the right to carry is a state law we have a better chance of keeping the law in effect. If it is a national issue, with the liberals in power, the entire right to carry could be banned by the government with one bill to recend the law. Being a state issue they would have each state to deal with and are less likely to attempt that.
NO,no,no,....In Louisiana we are alright with out the feds coming in and messing up a good thing.

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