Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think that the Federal Gov't should stay out of abortion rulings and just let each state?

make up their mind about whether or not they should legalize abortion?

If you think that each state should have a say... doesn't that kind of say that human life is important in one state but not another?
I think they should leave it to the individual woman and her doctor.
I agree with Dennis Miller on this one;

"Folks...the states can't pave roads."
I think all forms of government should not be able to decide what I should do with my body.
Yes, I am a big supporter of States Rights.
It didn't work before.

Abortion is something that can't be outlawed. All it leads to is tons of botched back alley abortions and a ton of women in county Emergency Rooms.

The states lost most of their rights when the Civil war broke out and very few things are decided on the State level anymore. This isn't 1850 anymore. That period is long over. Get with the times.
Abortion is already legal. I think that this is something each person has to live with and decide. Human life is important but so it the quality of human life. This is a moral issue that needs to be made by an individual, their family (or not) and their doctors. If abortion is illegal then young women will find a way to deal with this issue like they did before abortions were legalized. Young women have to deal with mistakes them and their partners make. Sad but real.
yeah, that way you can just travel to a different state. my grandma said that if youre raped, you shouldnt let that nasty guys child ruin your life.
Both State and Federal need to stay out of my personal business, and decisions. Nothing irritates me more, than even think,...the government can tell me what I can and cannot do with my body.
No government or religious organization has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do to your own body. That is a huge violation of your personal rights and should be prohibited. The only time government should have a say is when you harm another person. Your body is yours, period.

It has puzzled me for years why we allow such a transgression. Where do they get this right to tell you and me what is "For our own good"? Does that mean I can tell them what they should do for their own good? I'm certain they wouldn't like it much if that was the case. How many of these busybodies take perfect care of their own body? No drugs, no alcohol, no unprotected sex, no fatty foods, get plenty of exercize and so on. It's all part and parcel of the same issue, your body and your personal rights to self determination.

Personally, I think these busy bodies need to get a life. Interfering in another person's life is never right, no matter how self righteous their alleged cause is. In short, the federal government, the state, county and city governments, along with the churches all need to butt out of our private lives.
yes the governen shall have no power from now on.
Yes, definitely, but for that to happen the U.S. Supreme Court will have to recognize that an unborn child's (or embryo's) right to life is protected in the "others" category of the 8th and 10th Amendments, which are reserved for the States. Until the Court recognizes the unborn child's right to life, we are stuck with the all-inclusive legalization of abortion. Coincidentally, the Roe v. Wade Court used an unwritten 'right to privacy' under the same Amendments to legalize abortion. Hopefully it will happen one day and most states will realize that an unborn child's right to life supercedes anyone's right to privacy, unless the mother's life is also in jeopardy (including medical problems and the 'value' of life that would result from incest or rape) which would justify an abortion.

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