Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a law in Michigan about replanting trees if you are a logging company?

For example, if a company started logging a mountianside and had all their required permits, are they required to replant a certain amount of trees in the same spot?
Reforestation requirements will either fall under a specific Michigan program (act) here:,1607,7-153...

Or under one of the following:

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA):
Passed into federal law in 1969, this act requires all federal agencies to present a wide range of alternative management decisions to the public and to write an environmental impact statement (EIS) when any action they take "will significantly affect the human environment."

National Forest Management Act (NFMA):
A federal law passed by Congress in 1976 as an amendment to the Resources Planning Act. The NFMA requires that wach national forest develop a 10-15 year plan describing how that forest will be managed. By law, plans are developed by interdisciplinary teams and must include public participation.

Resources Planning Act (RPA):
Passed by Congress in 1974, this federal law requires a complete national assessment or inventory of all forest, rangeland resources, and public needs every ten years, along with a plan to meet those needs.

Wilderness Act:
This 1964 federal law defines wilderness as an area where "man himself is a visitor who does not remain." No roads, logging, motorized vehicles, or other developments that would show a sign of man's activities are allowed in a wilderness area.
I dont know of any laws requiring you to replant the trees you cut, but I certainly think you should want to replace them...required or not. Its an environmental issue.

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