Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone agree with me the beast that raped and killed his 2 year old niece should be handed to the cons?

He should be made to serve his life sentence in the general poulation of the prison
i agree with paul on this one-i have studied martial arts for 27 years and would dearly love the chance to try out techniques on that slag they wouldn't let me do on normal folk-then he would have some idea of the pain that poor little mite went through. trouble is he would last about thirty seconds :(.-but fear not. having had some experience of our penal system i can gaurantee that at some point he will get to "meet" his fellow cons-wardens have kids as well!!.
Sorry; death penalty has this guy's picture on it.
Only if he is handed too them in pieces.
oh yes i do/pity the rope's gone
Generally I hear that prison population is harsh on child molestors and rapists. But personally I think he should be castrated and and hung.
Five minutes, just me and him, no cameras. I'll make him wish he were never born.
the b*astard should be castrated, birched and left to rot somewhere
General pop sounds good to me,.justice served,...he should suffer 10 times the pain he put that baby through
No need. They will get to him, believe me.
Yes I agree.
Y-E-S hands down!

perverted freak! i think it would even be good for him if the authorities would amputate his manhood and feed it to him raw!

inhuman? nah! he deserves it! cut off his D***!
they should put him in the stocks of a major town or city with a notice saying what he'd done. Set up a camera so that everyone can see what happens to scum like this and let the population have their way with him. I'm sure he'd have a nice time!
Perhaps castration and then a general pop. sentence?
I'd put 拢100 in their Christmas Fund if he got a good seeing to in the shower.
What is this world coming to if someone can do this to their own flesh and blood?
I feel that the death penalty was made for people like him.
I think that he should honestly be put to death. Anyone who is evil %26 mentally unstable enough to not only rape, but to also kill a 2 year old (or anyone of any age for that matter) cannot put forth any positive contributions to society in any format. Right now he's just a drain on our economy %26 on all tax paying citizens who are keeping this degenerate alive.

Sending him out into the general prison population would pretty much be similar to a death sentence, which is why they won't let him into the general areas as of yet. They will eventually at some point, so here's hoping that some of those death threats are still open at that point.
yep absolutletely as we don't have the death penaltly let the other crims have him
yep I agree although I think even that may be to easy for him hes got death sentence by the cruelest means necessary written all over him even crucifixion is acceptable to me he deserves it
he should be hung is what he should be. i mean, rape and murder is bad enough for anybody, but for a two year old baby, i mean, think of the pain that poor little girl would of been in.

i don't get why anyone would ever feel the need to do that to a child. even if they have mental problems, wouldn't human intuition/nature/whatever you want to call it just take over and tell you to stop yourself??

it makes no sense to me at all, and "the beast" as you so aptly refer to him as should suffer as much as is physically possible before someone kills him, painfully.

He has been. He can't hide in isolation for 35 years.
Good idea, you did mean a women's prison did'nt you!
.. yeah put him in the general population for about 24 hours, then emasculate him., gauge out his eyes, shove a broom handle up his a**, hang him upside down and let them use him as a punching bag, then exectue him in the most horribly painful way humanly possible!! .
He should be executed s l o w l y!

I'll do it!
with the way that the law stands at the moment then yes.

i do however believe that we should abolish all animal testing and test on the real wild beasts, ie the convicted perverts of this world. in these days of dna testing there is very little chance of mistaken identity so these people (and i use that word loosley) should be made to sufer to extremes instead of inocent animals that have done less wrong than 100% of people
First, tattoo a picture of Playboy Playmate on his back!

Second, tattoo baby-raper across his forehead!

Third, put him in general population.

Finally, allow half of the guards to go on break at the same time!

Better yet, give the father an hour of "free-time" with him!
I completely agree! I'm not a fan of the death penalty...its an easy way out. He should suffer in prison and see how they treat him in there!
How the **** do you rape a 2 year old? Surely it's not even physically possible. You can't rehabilitate someone that sick. Crimes like that yeah.Bring back the 'outlaw' system. Let the child's parents at him, then just print his name and photo and let him go....
Is it my girlfriend's ex husband? He's a democrat and he raped his 12 year old niece as well as three others.

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