Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think that the Smoking Ban was a wise decision? In England y'all..?

Do you think it encouarages people to smoke more at home?
Or even around their children?
I think that a country, state, city, that bans smoking should stop selling cigarettes. It's a mixed message isn't it. We want your money and taxes to line our pockets but we don't want to see you use our product that is killing you. I think the bigger question is if smoking is so awful why is it still legal. It's all about the dollars, y'all. :)
It is just the New World Order limiting people's freedoms. That's all.
well all tabacco products should be illigal if marijuana is. first of all it is much more harmfull to everyone than marijuana could EVER be.

and its only legal cus they can charge a tax on it, which marijuana is a plant so they cant neccesarily do so.

so yes.
Let them give themselves and their family lung cancer. I wouldn't want to be paying for someone else smoking i.e second hand smoking which is as dangerous as smoking. Wohoooooo for smoking ban. its a disgusting habit.

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