Saturday, October 24, 2009

Doctors who are anti-life ?

We all understand that some countries have decriminalized abortion as in Canada, some have made them legal.

The question is why in the cases where the womens life is not in danger, does a doctor perform abortions, killing an unborn child when it is not necessary, but merely a choice, that has other options including adoption and using public funds?

So why are some doctors and some nurses in Canada using public money and using hospitals to kill an unborn child when the womans life is not threatened, and people cannot get necessary medical treatments in hospitals ?

The LIght: The Rainbow of Truth.
There really is no right answer to this question, except to say what is right for one person is not necessarily right for everyone. Abortion as a form of birth control is wrong in my opinion. As a woman and a mom of a daughter I am also uncomfortable saying we should force women or young girls to give birth to children and then give them up for adoption. I myself would not choose to abort a child unless there was a severe reason for it, and I would encourage my daughter to also choose carefully in this instance, but I also don't feel it is right for me to make very personal decisions as to whether someone else should. It is my hope that any young woman who is considering abortion think it over very carefully first. That said, the fact is people have children everyday who do not want them and who do not take care of them. When all the children born in this world are wanted, cared for and cherished as they deserve to be, the world will be a better place for everyone. I encourage every person to take parenting seriously. I think far too many people do not realize how important being a good parent is.
I hope you are a foster parent to provide love and support for children.
Most doctors understand that the tiny clump of cells that are removed in most abortions in no way resemble a child. This is why legislatures and courts have upheld the legality of the procedure time after time. And while many have some discomfort with abortion, they have to balance this against a woman being forced to have a baby to satisfy the religious prejudices of people who would seek to impose their will on her. When faced with a difficult ethical choice, it's a reasonable guideline in free socities to choose the option that honors freedom.
Do you honestly think that asking such a question (pontificating would be more exact) is going to solve the abortion question or even marginally contribute to any understanding between those for and those against abortion. Give it a rest.

You're about as helpful to the social conservatives and their anti-abortion stance as those in the liberal camp who wear signs to "Free Tibet" are to the liberal cause. All you or they are doing is narcissistically parading for those in your camp. You and they are silly, silly people who are largely ignored. Which is what I should be doing instead of wasting my time with such an insignificant dupe.
Abortion is a medical procedure.

It is a womans choice and ONLY hers to give birth or not. NO ONE can force a woman to carry and give birth if she chooses not to.

Government and religion need to stay out of peoples bedrooms and womens wombs. Don't you have enough to do in the world today?? What with hunger, famine and drought, you'd think you all would find another cause...

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