Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think USA is entitled to be world's police?

With all that ignorance among the american people concerning the rest of the world shouldn't US leave the "God's missions" to God himself instead?
AMEN! "Judge not lest ye be judged!" Is that right? Funny how the most Christian Americans get all ruffled when anybody says anything negative about us. No, we are in no way entitled to be the world's police.
Yes----fact is, most Americans have never been overseas--or in fact, even talked with someone from another country. We are incredibly ignorant about other cultures and shouldnt play that we know whats best.
there is no way the USA is entitled to police the world, they in their short history have a less than savory human rights records, have proven affinity towards corruption, lackluster foreign policy and an inability to negotiate and work withing the world community in a productive manner.
Fine, we shouldn't be the world police. While were at it, we shouldn't be the world teat either. End ALL foreign aid and export ALL illegal immigrants.
You are correct. We shouldn't be the Worlds Police, Pharmacy, Doctor, Farmer or Bank.
International relations aren't about entitlement; they are about ability. The US is the "world's police" not because it "should be" in your eyes, but because it CAN be -- and that's the end of it.

Meanwhile, if we are so ignorant, dumb, etc. and still manage to police people who are supposedly intellectually superior to us -- perhaps you should rethink your presumptions in that regard.

Marko: Merely traveling overseas doesn't make one an expert on politics, international relations, economy, or culture. I know very well how Europeans, particularly my age, "travel": and believe, me, hitting every bar in town and one token museum doesn't pass for evidence of particular "culturedness" or intellect except with those who are themselves most brutally uncultured and unintellectual.
No. For once we should keep our noses out of other countries' activities and pay attention to our own people. Try to solve our own problems.

There's nothing worse than the best friend whose life is a complete mess saying, "I can make your life better though". And the US is trying to be that "best friend".

I agree with an above comment saying we shouldn't be the world's primary lending institution (isn't there a World Bank that should be doing that?). Unfortunately a lot of our money goes to corrupt governments instead of aid programs for our own people. Instead of nationalized health care. Instead of helping to cure our own nation's hunger and shelter problems. Instead of (heaven forbid) clearing out the trillions in national debt we have.
Considering the state of the world in some of the more religious countries, and the lack of spine that some of the other developed countries demonstrate, I'm not terribly upset that the US does act as the world's police.

Let's rephrase the question a bit. Which scenario would you prefer:

One where religious radicals are hellbent on imposing their religious views on others, maybe the whole world if they think they can, and they have the intent and the money to get nuclear weapons,

Or one where a powerful country steps up and fights them on their own soil, and hopefully frustrates their plans to get nuclear weapons or other WMDs.

Weapon-building technology is no longer rocket science. It is common enough now that a good engineer or a good biologist, with a couple of talented technicians, can build a bomb, or grow anthrax, or make nerve gases. This problem isn't going away, folks. Terrorists have stated their intent to attack the world. Remember the London subway bombings? The spanish train bombings? The World Trade Center? The car bombs just found in London? What happens when Berlin, or Madrid, or New York, or Paris or Hong Kong or Vienna suddenly is uninhabitable because of a dirty bomb, or it has a smoking, radioactive hole in the middle of it? Will you change your tune then? Will you be frothing at the mouth for revenge? Will you actually join your country's military, even?
Entitled to? No
Obligated to? Often
Entreated to? Every day.

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