Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think Sharia law is fair?

"Thus if [a] Muslim commits adultery his punishment is 100 lashes, the shaving of his head, and one year of banishment. But if the man is not a Muslim and commits adultery with a Muslim woman his penalty is execution...Similarly if a Muslim deliberately murders another Muslim he falls under the law of retaliation and must by law be put to death by the next of kin. But if a non-Muslim who dies at the hand of a Muslim has by lifelong habit been a non-Muslim, the penalty of death is not valid. Instead the Muslim murderer must pay a fine and be punished with the lash.Since Islam regards non-Muslims as on a lower level of belief and conviction, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim鈥hen his punishment must not be the retaliatory death, since the faith and conviction he possesses is loftier than that of the man slain...Again, the penalties of a non-Muslim guilty of fornication with a Muslim woman are augmented because, in addition to the crime against morality, social duty and religion, he has committed sacrilege, in that he has disgraced a Muslim and thereby cast scorn upon the Muslims in general, and so must be executed.Islam and its peoples must be above the infidels, and never permit non-Muslims to acquire lordship over them." 鈥?Sultanhussein Tabandeh, A Muslim Commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, F. J. Goulding, translator, London, 1970.
I heard Muslim women wear shrouds on their vaginas and if a non-Muslim man tries to take it off, he must first pay the woman's father a dowry of 200 sheep, then he must put the shroud over his mouth and breath it's unclean stench for 2 weeks. Is that true?
No, as an American I do not think it is fair at all. Now if the Muslims want that in their country I'm cool. But don't try to shove it down my throat in MY country.
I don't think of them as barbaric savages at all. I mean, they're almost human.
It is not fair or unfair-it just is. that is their religion, just like christianity or judism etc.
where problems start is when one religion tries to force their beliefs on other peoples/religions

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