Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think we should have a special division....?

in the police force, that execute criminals if they get off with a technicality because of some scumbag barrister or they get a lenient sentence after raping someone for example?
So a kind of secret police who could murder those they disapproved of, but couldn't get enough evidence to convict?

Hmmm, I think I can see where that may lead. can we just stick with the imperfect system we already have?

Often the technicality is "they didn't do it", and in the case of sentencing, I think that passing sentence is probably best left to someone who's heard the evidence, rather than someone who's read about the case in The Sun.
NO don't believe in vigilantes ...the law is the law good or bad sorry
Emigrate to Saudi and you will be in Heaven.
Execution does not accomplish anything - the majority of the civilized world knows that - check the facts.
We have a justice system for dealing with society's miscreants.

What if you got charged with something and some 'scumbag barrister' got you off on a technicality...then they set the deathsquad after you?

Still fancy that idea?
No! The simple reason is that there are situations where you cannot be sure that they were actually guilty. Such a system would be open to abuse of the most serious kind. How many cases have we seen in the recent years where it has emerged that the evidence was flawed or the police have fabricated evidnce in order to get a conviction? these people were set free, albiet after spending half their lives in prison, but if their dead well their dead and you have the blood of an innocent on your hands making you no better.

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