Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you trust your government? If so why and if not why not?

There are no perfect people on this planet, and there is no perfect government either. Government is no better than the people who manage it. You didn't say what government you are asking about. I live in USA, and I believe it to be the most trustworthy government on the planet, even with it's weaknesses. God Bless the USA. It's easy to find fault with people and governments, but a better approach would be to look for the good.
Of course. The government is a very accurate mirror reflection of our society.
Heck no!!! Did u see that movie-- The Shooter
Not all the time, but it's the only one we've got, and it's way better than anyone elses. God bless America!
ya why not... they control if u do or u dont so why not make the country stronger by trusting

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