Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does any any know which coutry have the best torture that made you confess?

the crime you did
none - torture doesn't work.

not if you want the truth at any rate.

in 1692, there were over 200 accused witches in salem mass - most of whom 'confessed' after being tortured.

and as a result of these confessions, we got lots of extremely valuable accounts of people flying around on brooms, drinking tea with the devil and a manner of equally preposterous things.

think how ridiculous that even looks written out and ask yourself if you want to historically be alligned with such nonsense.

torture does not work...
The US stole their torture techniques from the Soviet Union...
Probably Japan during WWII or the Philippine government, also during that time. They has some really horrible methods that make even me cringe.
Technically, torture is a very poor way of gathering information because people will tell you things that aren't true when they are in pain if they think it is what you want to hear.

That said, I'd guess the Chinese or Israelis.
no torture tachniques work. the movies are all bull. no one holds out. people confess right away wether they did it or not. if given leading questions they confess, if given open ended questions they just start making up stuff to get the torture to stop.
The Vietnamese had some interesting techniques

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