Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think that people who are employed to uphold the Laws?

Should be held to a higher standard for punishment, when they breach these laws? For example policemen who sell drugs or judges who take bribes?
It has long been my opinion that those who serve in any capacity of "the public trust" should have an immediate call to higher standards in the performance of their duties !!
For, when the public trust is breached, the implications and effects of that breach goes considerably farther toward damage to the society at large !!

When it comes to felony convictions of such persons within the context OF their jobs -- I believe there should be an immediate doubling of any standards !!
Aren't they?
my answer to that is no. Definitely those who are employed are not obliged to uphold the law neither the beggar on the streets, once they got the opportunity to steal/kill or otherwise they will do it.

Not necessarily that those who hold a higher upstanding in society get a higher punishment than ordinarily citizenry. Besides it is immaterial they get the best position and the best paying job or highest office that they should severely punish more than ordinary person, it is not their fault that they are more gifted than ordinary people. And it also defeat the principle of the law that the lady should be blind in rendering justice to everybody. If that would be the case, everybody would rather be as simple as your next door neighbor.

Policemen/women who sell drugs should be metted the ordinary charges like those caught with the same offense, and judges who take bribes the same offense as pertaining for government personnel caught in the same category.
I think there should be an equal dispensing of justice. Where I believe we fail, as a society, is in not doing thorough psychological assessments of lawyers, judges, police etc. The incidents of violence and criminal activity perpetrated by people who are entrusted to uphold the very laws they bend and break should give us all pause.

Another good question.

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