Saturday, October 31, 2009

Does anyone else think Hillory Clinton is a Hypocrit to even speak about pardons after what her husband did?

Marc Rich, a fugitive, was pardoned of tax evasion, after clemency pleas from Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, among many other international luminaries. Denise Rich, Marc's former wife, was a close friend of the Clintons and had made substantial donations to both Clinton's library and Hillary's Senate campaign. Clinton agreed to a pardon that required Marc Rich to pay a $100,000,000 fine before he could return to the United States. According to Paul Volcker's independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels of oil.[14]
Susan McDougal, who had already completed her sentence, was pardoned for her role in the Whitewater scandal; McDougal had served 18 months on contempt charges for refusing to testify about Clinton's role.
Dan Rostenkowski, a former Democratic Congressman convicted in the Congressional Post Office Scandal. Rostenkowski had served his entire sentence.
Yes, she is a hypocrite in many other areas too, but this is unbelievable. It was the prices they put on pardons that didn't get her the funding she wanted out of Hollywood too. That wench is for Sale. What is that term for women that sell themselves?
Democrats always think they are above the law.
Democrats always think it does not count when they do it.

"Do what I say not what I do."
The Pot calling the Kettle black. Those words will come back to haunt her.
Welcome to the world of politics. Both parties are just as bad and are out to serve their own interests. Never mind the fact they took an oath to the Constitution.
Talk is cheep, actions speek
She didn't pardon anybody, her husband did. You can't be a hypocrite based on someone elses actions. If you want to defend the Libby commutation why not focus on what you think are the merits of Bush's decision rather than constantly trying to make it about Clinton.
she is counting on illegals who can't speak english and uninformed clinton followers to vote for her , it is also amazing how an impeached president's wife is even considered to run for president
Susan McDougal: Served entire sentence.

Dan Rostenkowski: Served entire sentence.

Irving Libby: Didn't serve a second.

Does anyone smell a "payoff" for him to keep silent?
Of course she is. The problem in government is do as I say not do as I do.
Of course. Blame her for what her husband did.

Typical republican. Is your wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, too?
you have to much time on your hands
nice that you keep up on her- sounds like she is your hero
I would think the operative words are "her husband did" not what she did. Both her husband and george were incorrect. But SHE didn't pardon anyone.
There is a set of rules for Hillary and she has another set of rules for everyone else.

Don't think she wants people to remember what she had done in the past.

I love how all the people here are talking about Libby being pardon when he wasn't they got their marching orders from who knows where.

What I find strange is who she can complain about anyone lieing under oath when her husband did the same thing in a sexual harresment case. If she is so smart how come she didn't even know that Bill was sleeping around on her.
Hillary is a hypocrite and a liar in just about everything she says, not just about this issue. She has done a 180 and sometimes even a 360 on most issues.

As with many politicians, she just blows with the wind.
The obstruction that Scooter committed, would have led to the successful impeachment of both Cheney and Bush for Treason.

This Special Comment By Keith Olbermann is most poignant this 4th of July.

And, for those of you who are interested in how Bush is controlled by big oil, here are the connections鈥?
To really understand the depth of how self-deceived some Democrats are, you have to read "Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy". It's light, fast reading, and it is highly entertaining. You won't believe what some of these hypocrits say as opposed to what they do!

What Hillary said reminds me of how the Communist Russians used to behave. They learned (and have since admitted) that they learned one huge fact about international politics: the bigger the lie, the easier it is to get away with it. For example, I once read the transcript of a conversation between a representative of the U.S. government, and one from the USSR. It was surreal. But the Russian was smugly defiant. He knew that he could just deny something and there was nothing the American could do to pin him down:

American: Mr. Kasparov, our satellites have taken pictures of a new nuclear missile silo you are building at these coordinates..

Russian: No, we are not building any missile silo there.

American: But, we have satellite photos that clearly show what you are building. It shows the missiles on a truck, shows the silo, etc.

Russian: That is a falsehood. We are not building anything there.

American: (exasperated) What do you mean? It's plainly shown in these photos. The photos don't lie. We have the exact coordinates, and have been monitoring every single truck that has gone in and out of that facility. We can even read the markings on the missile.

Russian: Why are you trying to strain our international relationship? I have told you there is nothing being built there. Please refrain from questioning me again. You insult my credulity. I am not on trial here.

Sorry for the long example, but this is exactly the mindset of these smugly defiant democrats. They figure they never have to defend their indefensible positions. And guess what? They never have to. Trying to make them tell the truth is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.
Yes, she's a hypocrit. Yesterday they were talking about that on Special Report on Fox News (best show ever), and Mara Liasson said Hillary might get in trouble with that during the general election campaign, but that it probably wouldn't be an issue during the primary, since the Democrats are all focusing on attacking Bush. I think she might be right.

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