Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think we need child labor laws ?

Hey i applied at mcdonalds and they told me they are done hireing teenagers because us teenagers can not do hardly anything in there and can only work serten hours and not after serten hours because of the child labor laws. and i also was told that teens under 16 can not run a cash register and can not touch any of the fryers in the store. so now i got a job at a local hardware store and i can not cut keys, run the paint shaker, cut chain, or even use my pocket knife to cut hoses. and theres all kinds of other dumb laws that restricked me. so what im asking is do you think we need them or are they retarded ??
Yes, the laws are needed if only to get you back into school and perhaps learn a little 'spellin'

BTW, those laws are in place to protect you from physical harm.
so you are unhappy to work?...take it east, enjoy it while it lasts
Wow, as a young person let this be a learning experience to you. The generation before you permitted government to dictate like this.

It is not about child safety. It is about law suits when someone gets hurt or fakes that they were hurt. Their parents sue.

I worked several part time jobs as a child from picking rocks out of a field, picking potatoes and working at Kentucky Fried Chicken, using a cash register and working the deep fryer. All those jobs made me want to go to college and better myself along with every single young person who worked with me. Unfortunately, we live in a sissy nation where values are not taught to kids. Parents do not want their kids subjected to hard work and that is why so many have little work ethics when they get older.

If our country was so worried about child labor laws they would bust up some of the rings existing in the United States today. Just go to downtowm LA and check out some of the sweat shops run by illegals.
Yes, we need child labor laws. If you really think they are retarded then do a little research on what it was like for children prior to the enactment of child labor laws or what it is like for children in countries with no child labor laws.
We need them to protect the children. Most children think they are grown up bu their decision making skills still need a bit of work. The laws exist because they protect the children. When certain hours are off-limits to children, it is for a reason. Certain high-risk activities are off limits as well. They are off-limits to protect the children. I know it is frustrating right now, but do not be in such a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your teen-age years and all they have to offer. You will be an adult soon enough and able to do all those high-risk activities. The only difference is then you probably will not want to do them! :)
well I'm assuming that your still a minor, otherwise you could do what the big kids are doing. ( your spelling needs so real work, and you even have a spell check provided to you on here) The laws are there to protect the companies from you screwing up. Just because you think you are grown doesn't mean that you can do just anything. The laws are to protect you, but more importantly to protect others from you. Like the company getting sued by your parents because you took your thumb off in the key cutter.

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