Do you think that someone who committed this crime can ever be rehabilitated to be set free? Please explain why or why not?
It really depends on the person and whether or not they realise the severity of what they did and if they want to change or not. Problem is that it is so hard to tell if they do want to change or if they are just telling you what they think you want to hear. So I would say it is a case by case issue and truly depends on the person.
They don't deserve that chance, execution or life without parole.
It depends on the person. If the person is a psychopath, then no, because his/her character is set in stone and he/she lacks a conscience.
No. I dont believe that anybody that can kill can ever be a normal functioning person, unless it was to defend themselves or their family.
Depends on the circumstances.
what i believe is this a murder should be on death row and have only 30 days to live, if only DNA said he or she did it.
1st degree murder is with fore thought and knowledge, premeditated. It means they thought about it, and made a conclusion.
How do you rehabilitate that? They knew it was wrong and they still did it. How does rehabilitation of that work, you now no it's wrong and your "not" going to do it.
Depends on the circumstance. I could be ticked that I saw my gf with the UPS guy, leave, then track him later and kill and get Murder 1.
As disgusting as it is this is just one major emotional outburst. A person can recover from that and that mindset and may eventually be worthy of release.
Someone who kills just to watch them die or methodically plans it...takes joy in it? No.
no, and further i do not think that they should be given the chance.
a few years back i was on a jury for over 6 months. the guy was being charged with killing his girlfriend for life insurance money. before the case began, we were interviewed by both question was "if you had an island and ruled over it...would you have the death penalty...and why?
my response was Yes I would have the death penalty because of the good of the society.
The group or society needs to know that there are consequences for unacceptable behavior. if individuals are allowed to roam free and committ agregous acts against others, society as a whole will falter. i do not believe in the rehab of a murderer...i believe in the death penaty as a form of punishment and as a form of 'rule and example' to others.
hope this answers your question
good luck
No. Someone that murders with a plan, obviously knew the act was wrong and yet decided to go through with it.
In my opinion, this is not a "fixable" attribute.
It really isn't a matter of opinion. It is a fact that murderer's have one of the absolute lowest recidivism rates of all crime categories.
Except in a very few extreme cases, murder is an unplanned, one-time thing between individuals known to each other for some period of time. Even in pre-meditated cases, once the specific conditions that lead to most murders are gone, there is no reason for the murderer to murder again.
More evidence for the likelihood of rehabilitation of murderers, even in extreme cases, can be found in the 1972 Supreme Court decision which nullified the death penalty for over 600 individuals who had received that sentence. Of those (most of them) eventually released on parole, only one has committed a murder to this date.
Let me give you a hypo.
Dad is very slowly dying in is in extreme pain. Every time Daughter visits Dad begs daughter to kill him. This goes on everyday for 7 months. The doctors say he will probably be in this state for another 2 months to 2 years they really can't be sure.
One day Daughter goes to the hosipital. Dad begs daughter to end his life. Daughter take a newly purchased pistol out her pocketbook. Puts in to Dad's forehead and fires a single shot.
Moments latter the nurses rush in and find Daughter sobbing and kissing her dead Dad on the cheeks.
Daughter has commited first degree murder.! Do you think she can ever be rehalitated enough to be set free?
If some one kills me for no good reason, I would never want them rehabilitated. More like thrown off a cliff filled with poisonous spikes and hungry raptors.
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