Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does it annoy you when we are expected to support people who dug their own holes?

For instance, a person who smoked 2 packs a day and now has lung cancer or some respitory disease, or a person who ate themselves up to 500 pounds, blew out their knees, and now can't work, or an alchoholic who drank like a fish and now needs a transplant. Here are these people who made their choices, and now we have to pay to support them, pay for their medical care, and their medicine? If I decide to drive without insurance, I pay for the consequences. What about these people?
Yes, it annoys me. Self inflicted wounds always annoy me. I have absolutely no mercy for them to include my Dad, who died of lung cancer after smoking 4 packs a day.

As for "the what if pundits" the question was about people who did it to themselves, and it is valid. When people "choose" destructive behavior than they should pay the price for that behavior. As for the ones that didn't, then they deserve our mercy and generosity.
Fine.what about the kid born with mental or physical handicaps into a family with no insurance.
What about the person who's being paying for medical insurance for 10 years yet they drop him after two chemo sessions for brain cancer? Using some loop hole.

What about the legitimate causes of people who need insurance and were screwed over?
How about the person who got lung cancer and never smoked? How about the person who knew there was something wrong and the doctor's kept saying you are just looking for an excuse to be fat only to be diagnosed with a disorder that should have diagnosed 23 years earlier(happened to me and now I am 200 pounds over weight, I eat less than the average person but all you see is my fat). How about the person who gives a kidney to someone only to get kidney disease later in life? I can play this game all day long! Why don't you just pull your head out and realise that everything isn't as clear cut as you think!
I think that we should all be willing to help others just because we never know when we ourselves will need help.

No it doesn't annoy me. Everyone comes to a point when they need help. How they got there is irrelevant to me as I cannot claim to understand why people do the things they do and therefore have no right to judge them.
Yeah, it really pisses me off...people who go deaf because they blew their eardrums out with IPODS or going to loud concerts, I really hate paying for their hearing aids, drunks that get DUI'd and have to go to jail, I really hate paying for their upkeep in jail, four hots and a cot, that really aggravates me...I guess your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, children and grandchildren are all perfectly healthy and have no need for any of those services...no one has ever been hurt on the job or needed therapy for substance abuse or had a disability. Lucky you, now you can be self righteous and indignant about "paying for everyone else" from your ivory tower. The depths of your self centeredness astounds me.
What about miners?
Cigarettes and alcohol are addictive; it's not easy to break the habit. Food is addictive for some people. They can't just choose to stop but they should seek some help in breaking bad habits.
As for having to "support them, pay for their medical care," we are all in the same pool, whether it's private or govt health insurance. What if you got sick and had to stay in a hospital 6 mos. or needed a transplant: should I resent that?
We need a kinder, gentler society where we all look out for each other.
Instead of just letting them be sick and die (which is what you imply), find the right culprit. We got tobacco cos. to stop advertising cigs. and the rate of smoking has gone down. To help control obesity, food manufacturers must stop adding sugars like corn syrup to so many foods, and so heavily: I don't want my pasta sauce to taste like dessert! Sugar is addictive - makes you want to eat more and more, which is why food companies add it. Then we have an obesity epidemic we need more (affordable) programs that help people kick alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs.
Meanwhile we need more (affordable) programs to help treat all these addictions.
Doctors wont give transplants to people that are drug addicts or alcoholics.

We are not expected to take care of these people.

I think you have been mislead about how much money a 500 lb. person who cant work gets from the government.

Welfare reform (started under Clinton) has changed they way people get help from the Fed's.
No one who is lazy or has made bad decisions is getting "supported" as you say.

you should check for yourself.

if you do have a source for the claims you made please post it, I would be interested.

please don't say you have a friend that knows a person who told you, give a real source please.
We all make choices in life, some of them good and some of them are bad. But it doesn't mean that we can stand judge and jury over the few that have made the wrong choice. I am almost certain that if you ask the people that smoke 2 packs a day, the alcoholic, the obese person if they were or are truly happy with the choices they made then, that they would reflect on their mistakes and try and change them. The argument goes further, quite rightly so, as some others have stated already within their answers, the child that is born with a disability, the guy that's run over and has no insurance. The guy that can't afford his chemo treatment, the list is endless. I think to deny anyone treatment when they are ill is a shameful thing. Thankfully here in the UK we have the NHS, although the staff that work for his organization see many cases of people who have abused their bodies over a long period of time, they treat each and every member of this country. Providing them with a service that is second to none, as it quite rightly should be.
So in short the answer to your question is NO, if someone is unfortunate enough to be ill and suffering regardless of how they became that way, they should be offered treatment to help them recover,to deny them this is morally wrong!
You should know that people do drive without insurance, and the rest of us do pay for it in increased rates to cover those that do not have insurance.

That said, I hear ya. Its frustrating and annoying. However, if you ever find yourself in a hole that you dug and society helps you get out, you will be thankful for it.

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