Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does anyone know the legal age that you can move out and live on your own?

i'm not planning anything i was just curious...
Generally you cannot leave home without your parents permission until you are 18. However some states have lower ages of majority for example I think Arkansas has 17 as their age. You could find out your state's age of majority by simply typing in "age of majority" into a search engine.

Emancipation is the legal process by which a court basically gives you the legal status of adult (just as if you were 18). But with this added freedom comes added responsibility, in most cases you will be held acountable to the law just as if you were an adult and of course you have to support yourself. It's also kind of hard to do and takes a little while.
18 is the normal accepted age for most States.
in the US until the age of 18 you are considered property. Emancipation is near to impossible.
depends on what country i would guess it be 16 or 17 over here in the uk
its 18 here in the US but you can live alone if you want to just as long as you know you can pay for your own stuff and have a job or something.
A judge Can emancipate a minor, in certain cases, but its rare.

You can't sign a lease for an apartment until you are 18. You can't get a car loan until you are 18. And your job tearing tickets at the movie theater or pumping sodas at McDonalds won't pay the bills any way.

Financially, its a better deal to get through high school and get into college. Then, if you still want out, just never go back home.

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